Critics’ Choice Best Films of the Decade

The past decade has seen a plethora of exceptional films that have captured the hearts and minds of audiences and critics alike. From thought-provoking dramas to heartwarming comedies, this decade has given us some of the most unforgettable cinematic experiences. As we come to the end of this decade, it’s only fitting to reflect on the best films that have graced our screens in the past 10 years.

In this article, we will dive into the world of film criticism and explore the Critics’ Choice: Best Films of the Decade. We will take a closer look at some of the top contenders for this esteemed title, as well as discuss how to use these films as a guide for your own movie-watching experience. So sit back, grab some popcorn, and let’s embark on a journey through the best films of the past decade.

The Top Contenders

When it comes to selecting the best films of the decade, there are a few names that have consistently come up in discussions among movie critics. These films have not only received critical acclaim but have also left a lasting impact on audiences worldwide. Let’s take a look at some of the top contenders for Critics’ Choice: Best Films of the Decade.

1. Parasite (2019)

Directed by Bong Joon-ho, Parasite is a South Korean black comedy thriller that took the world by storm in 2019. Winning numerous awards, including the highly coveted Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival, this film follows the story of a lower-class family who schemes their way into working for a wealthy family. But as their plan unfolds, things take a dark and unexpected turn.

Themes and Message

One of the reasons why Parasite has been praised by critics is its exploration of social class and inequality. The film delves into the stark differences between the rich and the poor, and how the actions of one can have a ripple effect on the lives of others. It also sheds light on the lengths people are willing to go to in order to improve their social status, and the consequences that come with it.

Why It’s a Must-Watch

Parasite is a masterful blend of dark comedy, suspense, and social commentary. It keeps you on the edge of your seat while also making you think about deeper issues. With its unexpected plot twists and outstanding performances, this film is a must-watch for anyone who appreciates thought-provoking cinema.

2. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

Directed by George Miller, Mad Max: Fury Road is a post-apocalyptic action film that took audiences by storm in 2015. Starring Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron, the film follows the story of a group of survivors who must escape from the tyrannical rule of a ruthless warlord.

Visual Mastery

One of the standout aspects of Mad Max: Fury Road is its stunning cinematography and use of practical effects. The high-octane action sequences and detailed world-building make for an immersive viewing experience. This film proves that even in the age of CGI, practical effects still have a place in cinema.

A Feminist Action Film

In a genre dominated by male protagonists, Mad Max: Fury Road stands out for its strong female characters. Charlize Theron’s portrayal of Imperator Furiosa has been praised for breaking gender stereotypes and providing a refreshing take on the typical action hero. The film also tackles themes of female empowerment and toxic masculinity, making it more than just a mindless action flick.

How to Use Critics’ Choice: Best Films of the Decade

Now that we’ve covered some of the top films of the decade, you may be wondering how to use this information to enhance your movie-watching experience. Here are a few ways you can incorporate Critics’ Choice: Best Films of the Decade into your film viewing habits.

1. Expand Your Horizons

While we all have our favorite genres and go-to movies, it’s important to step out of our comfort zones and explore new types of films. The Critics’ Choice: Best Films of the Decade is a great place to start. With a diverse selection of films from various genres, you’re sure to find something that interests you and expands your horizons.

2. Improve Your Critical Eye

As the name suggests, the Critics’ Choice: Best Films of the Decade is determined by professional critics who have a trained eye for analyzing and evaluating films. By watching these highly acclaimed films, you can learn from their perspective and improve your own critical eye. This will not only enhance your movie-watching experience but also deepen your understanding and appreciation for cinema.

3. Spark Meaningful Discussions

Movies have the power to bring people together and spark meaningful conversations. By watching the Critics’ Choice: Best Films of the Decade, you can engage in discussions with friends, family, and even strangers about the themes, messages, and impact of these films. These discussions can lead to new insights and perspectives, making the movie-watching experience more enriching.

Examples of Critics’ Choice: Best Films of the Decade

While we’ve discussed some of the top contenders for Critics’ Choice: Best Films of the Decade, there are many other noteworthy films that deserve recognition. Some honorable mentions include:

  • Moonlight (2016)
  • The Social Network (2010)
  • Get Out (2017)
  • Lady Bird (2017)
  • The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)

Each of these films presents a unique and exceptional cinematic experience, making them worthy of being considered as the best of the decade.

Comparisons with Other Best Film Lists

Of course, everyone’s opinions on the best films of the decade may differ. Some may argue that other films deserve to be on this list, while some may disagree with the inclusion of certain films. This is what makes film criticism such a dynamic field – it’s subjective. While the Critics’ Choice: Best Films of the Decade is a great starting point, it’s important to explore other “best of” lists and compare them to form your own opinions.

Advice for Choosing Your Own Best Films of the Decade

When it comes down to it, the best films of the decade are ultimately subjective. What one person may consider a masterpiece, another may find unwatchable. So when choosing your own best films of the decade, it’s important to trust your own instincts and preferences. Don’t be swayed by popular opinion or critical acclaim. Instead, choose films that have left a lasting impact on you and have resonated with you personally.

FAQs about Critics’ Choice: Best Films of the Decade

Q: Why should I care about the Critics’ Choice: Best Films of the Decade?

A: The Critics’ Choice: Best Films of the Decade represents some of the most highly acclaimed and impactful films of the past 10 years. By watching these films, you can expand your horizons, improve your critical eye, and engage in meaningful discussions.

Q: How were the films chosen for the Critics’ Choice: Best Films of the Decade?

A: The films were chosen based on critical reception, awards, and overall impact on cinema and society.

Q: Are there any notable films that didn’t make the list?

A: Yes, there are many other exceptional films that could have made the list. The Critics’ Choice: Best Films of the Decade is not a definitive ranking and is subject to personal opinions.

Q: Can I use this list as a guide for my own movie-watching experience?

A: Absolutely! The Critics’ Choice: Best Films of the Decade is a great starting point for exploring new films and genres.

Q: Will I enjoy all of the films on this list?

A: While these films have been highly praised by critics, everyone’s tastes are different. Some may find all the films on the list enjoyable, while others may not resonate with some of them. It’s important to trust your own preferences when choosing what to watch.


As we come to the end of the decade, it’s only fitting to reflect on the best films that have graced our screens in the past 10 years. The Critics’ Choice: Best Films of the Decade represents some of the most highly acclaimed and impactful films of this time period. Whether you’re looking to expand your horizons, improve your critical eye, or engage in meaningful discussions, these films are a must-watch for all movie lovers. So why not take a trip down memory lane and enjoy some of the best cinematic experiences of the past decade?

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